Mums at work Labour integration of migrant women and elderly
Our goal is to empower, inspire and motivate Migrant women and elderly to reach their Career goals.
And promote their social and economic integration on the regional and European level.

ENFEM project is
Designed for the Female third country nationals (TCNs) for their Integration into Local Communities through Employability and Entrepreneurship.

Pathway to The European Union
Labour integration For Third Country Nationals (TCNs)
Vital Aid Academy provides you with the opportunity to up-date your skills or build a career in the health care. Our study module offers a variety of accredited continuing education at the MBO-3 level.
This project is partly funded by the European union
Empowering women on how to safeguard their homes and children against cyber-attacks and child predators on the online domain. Workshops are offered to Women and Children (aged 11 to 16) who wants to learn about cybersecurity for their community and families.
Join us at our free workshops and the online e-learning.

Mini Job Fair
To connect job seekers to employers, businesses and other community stakeholders supporting the integration of third country national (TCNs).

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